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Keep Calm Bingo

Want to be on our hiscores page competing against our staff?

Well email us telling us what game you've played on with the score and attach a screenshot of the score to prove that you have really managed to get that score.

(You can easily take a screenshot by pressing the "Print Screen" button on your keyboard or you can download this software). You can submit a score to any game that is on our website. Good luck gaming.


Current Hiscores

Kitten Cannon

1. Jeremy T - 3403 ft

2. Jordan B - 3186 ft

3. Matt S - 1554 ft

Beat it

Turkey To Go!

1.Unlimited Games Staff - 21510

2. Submit Your Score

3. Submit Your Score

Beat it

Slingshot Santa

1. Stuart G - 350.4 m

2. Unlimited Games Staff - 348.3

3. Submit Your Score

Beat it

Bmx Tricks

1.Unlimited Games Staff - 60840

2. Rob H - 38460

3. Submit Your Score

Beat it

Beat The Meter

1. Matt L - 209.37

2.Unlimited Games Staff - 128.64

3. Matt L - 120.19

Beat it


1. Matt L - 13850

2. Unlimited Games Staff - 11000

3. Submit Your Score

Beat it

Streets Of Fire

1. Jonty M - 920094

2. Unlimited Games Staff - 262934

3. Submit Your Score

Beat it

Sober Santa

1. Matthew S - 2670

2. Unlimited Games Staff - 700

3. Submit Your Score

Beat it

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